It’s no secret that revenue cycle management (RCM) is at the heart of maintaining financial stability and ensuring high-quality care. You probably also know that transitioning RCM services in-house offers greater control and potential cost savings, but it also requires the right blend of expertise, technology, and resources. But can you say that you’re confident that your facility is prepared for this shift? 

This RCM Readiness Survey is designed to help you evaluate your facility’s current capabilities in key areas such as staff expertise, technology, compliance, and financial resources. By answering the questions and totaling your score, you’ll gain valuable insights into your facility’s readiness to bring RCM services in-house. Whether you’re fully prepared or just starting the process, this survey will provide a clear picture of where you stand and highlight areas for improvement. 

Take a few minutes to complete the survey and get a personalized assessment of your RCM readiness. 

Instructions: For each question, select the option that best describes your facility’s current situation. Each answer has an associated score. At the end of the survey, total your score to assess your readiness. 

How are your current RCM services managed? 

  1. Fully outsourced (1 point) 
  1. Partially outsourced (2 points) 
  1. Fully in-house (3 points) 

Do you have staff members with experience in RCM processes (billing, coding, claims management, etc.)? 

  1. Yes, we have a dedicated RCM team (3 points) 
  1. Some staff have experience but not a dedicated team (2 points) 
  1. No, we rely on external expertise (1 point) 

Do you have the necessary technology and systems in place to support in-house RCM (e.g., EHR/EMR, billing software)? 

  1. Yes, we have advanced systems in place (3 points) 
  1. We have basic systems but need upgrades (2 points) 
  1. No, we need to invest in technology (1 point) 

Does your facility have the financial resources to invest in the necessary technology and training for in-house RCM? 

  1. Yes, we have allocated budget for this (3 points) 
  1. We have limited funds but can manage with a phased approach (2 points) 
  1. No, financial constraints are a major barrier (1 point) 

Are your current workflows and processes well-documented and optimized for RCM activities? 

  1. Yes, we have detailed documentation and optimized processes (3 points) 
  1. Partially documented, needs optimization (2 points) 
  1. No, we need to develop and optimize processes (1 point) 

How confident are you in your facility’s ability to stay compliant with healthcare regulations and coding standards? 

  1. Very confident (3 points) 
  1. Somewhat confident (2 points) 
  1. Not confident (1 point) 

Do you have robust data security and privacy measures in place to handle sensitive patient information? 

  1. Yes, we have strong measures in place (3 points) 
  1. We have basic measures but need improvement (2 points) 
  1. No, this is a major concern for us (1 point) 

Do you have systems in place to track and report on key performance indicators (KPIs) related to RCM? 

  1. Yes, we have comprehensive reporting systems (3 points) 
  1. We have some reporting capabilities but need improvement (2 points) 
  1. No, we need to develop these systems (1 point) 

Do key stakeholders (e.g., leadership, management, staff) support the idea of bringing RCM in-house? 

  1. Yes, we have full support (3 points) 
  1. Some support, but not unanimous (2 points) 
  1. No, there is significant resistance (1 point) 

Do you have a clear timeline and transition plan for bringing RCM services in-house? 

  1. Yes, we have a detailed plan (3 points) 
  1. We have a rough timeline but need a detailed plan (2 points) 
  1. No, we need to develop a plan (1 point) 

Readiness Scale Scoring 

24-30 Points: High Readiness 

Your facility is highly prepared to bring Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) services in-house. Based on your responses, it’s likely you possess the critical components required for a smooth and successful transition. Your dedicated RCM team has the necessary expertise in billing, coding, and claims management, and your facility is equipped with the technology and systems to streamline these processes. Moreover, you have robust financial resources in place to support continued investment in advanced tools and staff training. 

Your workflows are well-documented and optimized, which will help ensure seamless integration and minimize disruption during the transition. With strong stakeholder buy-in, including leadership and management support, your facility is primed for success. Confidence in regulatory compliance, data security, and privacy measures further strengthens your readiness. 

While you may still need to fine-tune certain processes, your facility is on solid ground to implement in-house RCM services efficiently. You can move forward with confidence, knowing that your operational structure and team are well-prepared to handle the complexities of RCM internally. To find out how to take these result and become best-in-class, book a consultation with our experts today. 

17-23 Points: Moderate Readiness 

Based on your responses, it appears you have many of the essential elements in place, such as a partially experienced staff or some existing systems to support RCM activities. However, there are areas that require additional focus before you can confidently make the transition. For instance, your technology may need upgrading, or your RCM processes could benefit from further documentation and optimization. Limited financial resources or a lack of unanimous stakeholder support might also pose challenges. 

This score suggests that your facility is on the right track but needs more strategic planning. Engaging key stakeholders, particularly in leadership and management, to get full buy-in is crucial for a smooth transition. Consider developing a detailed transition plan, and if necessary, explore phased implementation to minimize risk while managing budget constraints. 

By addressing these gaps—whether it’s improving staff training, upgrading technology, or securing additional funding—your facility can strengthen its readiness for in-house RCM. With a targeted approach, you will be better positioned to bring these services in-house while maintaining operational efficiency and compliance. Reach out to our experts today to book a consultation and find out how to supercharge your RCM. 

10-16 Points: Low Readiness 

Based on your responses, your facility is currently not prepared to bring RCM services in-house. Significant gaps exist in key areas, such as staff expertise, technology, and financial resources. Perhaps you rely heavily on external vendors or lack the advanced systems required to manage RCM internally. Additionally, there may be considerable obstacles related to stakeholder buy-in, workflow optimization, and regulatory compliance, all of which would need to be addressed before a successful transition can occur. 

This score highlights the importance of taking a step back to evaluate and resolve these gaps before proceeding with any plans to bring RCM services in-house. Start by focusing on staff training to build internal expertise and assess the potential need for new technology investments. Engaging leadership and gaining their full support will also be critical in overcoming resistance and aligning everyone toward the same goal. 

In the meantime, you may want to consider continuing to outsource RCM services while developing a clear, phased roadmap to prepare for a future transition. Addressing these challenges now will help ensure that when your facility is ready to bring RCM in-house, the transition will be both smooth and sustainable. We’re here to help—book a consultation today to get expert advice and insights from our RCM gurus.  

About the Authors

Portrait of Meghan Mouser
Meghan Mouser is the Vice President of Product Management - RCM at Kipu Health.

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