The Transition to Value-Based Care
Behavioral health has encountered a lot of pivotal moments over the past few years and at the recent National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) annual conference, our CEO, Paul Joiner, and Avea CEO, Ben Dittman, had the opportunity to address one of the hottest issues in our industry – the transition to value-based care. For over a decade, we’ve watched our colleagues on the medical side of healthcare work to migrate to reimbursement models based on outcomes, but we’ve been a bit slower on the behavioral health side to adopt these new payment models, and with good reason.
Tying reimbursement to outcomes isn’t as easy in behavioral healthcare and this was discussed at length during the “Achieving Value-Based Care through Equitable Reimbursement” panel. Elizabeth Barerra, Anthem’s Medical Director, and panel participant shared key insights about how payers are looking at outcomes and ways we can work together to agree on these measures and move value-based care initiatives forward.
If you missed the discussion, subscribe to our newsletter, where we’ll provide a full recap. And if you were there, thank you for joining us for such an important topic at yet another pivotal time in behavioral health. It’s an issue we’ll continue to address on our blog in a new value-based care series. Check back in to learn more about the four things behavioral health providers should be thinking about before embarking on a transition to value.
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